Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Will Hindsman If you were honestly interested in the injeel i would think you could ask the people of the book without first making the agenda of mocking the injeel. Al Haqq is that IF you bothered to READ Matt.5 the contexts is very clear. It begins by Clearly addressing Matt.5:1 "His disciples" and making MINISTRY of the good news of the kingdom THE SUBJECT//.... vs.2 "and taught THEM saying"... vs.3 "thiers is the kingdom of heaven" vs 4 Blessed are They who...vs 5 Blessed are...(describing real life situations and how to handle them) vs 6Blessed are they vs 7 Blessed are they vs 8 Blessed are they vs 9Blessed are they vs 10 "Blessed are they which are *persecuted for righteousness sake" (HMMM looking at Irfan) vs 11 Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all evil manner against you (looking at you Irfan) vs.12 REJOICE for great is your reward in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets which were before you vs 13 We are the salt of the earth but if it looses its savor wherewith shall it be salted (If you loose loving kindness /shalom to your neihbor then how will you ever be given it) Vs.14 Ye are the light of the world A city that is built on a hill can not be hid (and the lesson on ministry if you are able to recieve it will show you that good character towards others something you lack in demonstration will get you a lot futher in sharing in Honest discussion!)vs 16 Let your light shine.... "see your good works and glorify G-d... Its obvious to any logical person that this whole chapter is directed to the disciples on ministry //............... to jump the gun the lesson as you will see if you have an honest heart on the issues you bring up instead of leading a crusade for shaytan will be this.............. If i have a truth and i witness you teaching another doctrine to your community and i come in and immediately confront you with and your doctrine and your disciples with documentation calling you a deciever & strongly condemning you ... should i expect you to respond with Hey This guy may actually have true revelation of G-d Lets Greet him in peace and ask him to share!??? Answer is NO but I shouldn't be suprised IF you slap me in the face No matter where your at tell me this You demonstrated poor social skills and have offend someone and they slap you...... WHAT IS THE LOUDEST RESPONCE you can have? To Turn The Other Check!!!! It Does Even Matter, Say You were in the RIGHT and just honestly sharing the Word (ministry) and someone came up and Attacked You for it???? ...... Still the biggest impact you can have FOR SAKE OF THE MESSAGE and you honestly wanting to draw people to it is... TURN THE OTHER CHECK and acknowledge the situation is that your message is not welcome yet since it was so boldly stated it takes a bigger man to Turn The Other Check. It makes the one who resulted to violence appear to be the unreasonable aggressor. It Also says you have something you believe in Enough to sufer Hardship for it. ANYWAY u cherry picked !!*Matt 5:39*!! so lets jump to this verse on the Subject of Ministry!..////// But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also./ evil being used in the English translation is a major Mis-translation. when one reverts it back they see that this is to say Hardships! Ex. Strong's/# 4190-4192! *The subject of this area of Matt. is ministry (Check for yourself and yet so many pervert this verse)! / Leading up to this verse we also had the issue of disention within a group of believers (social issues) we were even told its a sin to hate the brethern without a cuase and you call a brother an idiot and you will be accountable to the council but if you condemn someone of being hopeless of salvation YOU ARE IN DANGER OF HELL FIRE. Have straight forward responces (well your subject started out as basically spiting in the face of Christians and good morals!!!!!!! with the subject! We are told how to communicate with others according to ministry! We are to soe seed in good ground and not to those with a agenda as yours Irfan and we are not to over load those who do show honest interest! We are to remain humble when doing Dawah! It carries a bigger impact that way. NOTHING ABOUT MATT 5 is claiming that if i come up to you on the street at night with a gun and threaten you and your family that you dont have every right to pull out a bigger gun and blow my head clean off. . . . Peace to those who seek it
^responce To :
Is Christianity practically applicable today?
Do you believe, follow and practice sermons of Jesus pbuh

If someone slap you, what you will do?
Will you love your enemy? - xIrfan Shahx

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