quick responce to muslims who says How can "G-d" come in the flesh If he said he never changes
Abdullahi, Came IN the flesh isnt claiming that flesh is YHVH. So where exactly is the "change"????? I have said it countless times but muslims just dont get it. There are Many Hebrew words translated as G-D, G-d, and or g-d. One is Elohim and it means divine judgement and authority and applies Not only to G-D ALMIGHTY but also includes all instruments of G-D Almighty such as Messiah, Angels, prophets, apostels and basically everyone in covenant with G-D that carries out his divine judgement and authority, the only relation to the flesh is that this is done IN the flesh/ led of the SPIRIT. spirit is liked unto the wind you cant see the wind but you can see its effects. you cant see Spirit other than by its effects/works (love, hate, envy, faith, intelect... these things are spirit and are only Observed through actions in the physical). thus in this context men are often called Elohim (theos in the greek) which again is ONE term translated as G-d. Its NOT claiming that these people are G-D Almighty and Not a single title of G-D relates to flesh (El, Elyon, Elohim, Eloah, Elah,....) In Jn 1:1,14 we are told that the Word its self was with G-D and was G-d (divine in authorityy and judgement) and that it was "made" flesh. This word "made" from the kjv means to come to pass and is translated as such 82 times. So G-d's Word came to pass IN the flesh. Why did G-d need (use) flesh for his Word to come to pass? Because his Word had already delcared it would. Torah gives a standard of Blood atonement and Yeshua (Jesus) makes it clear that he came to overcome death (be crusified as do other scriptures such as Heb.2:14). Messiah is Adon- Lord as IN the earth (in relation to creation). The Almighty isnt limited to being within his own creation thus his annointed one (Messiah) comes to do the will of the Almighty within the earth. This postion is called the right hand of G-D (power and works of G-d in relation to creation). G-D Almighty is spirit and every man has a spirit that came from G-D Almighty and when they do his willl the will that is done is that of Elohim (G-d). It seems to me that muslims struggle to think spiritually and are carnal minded and Yeshua said such people cant understand the postion of Messiah. Yall simpley look at his flesh rather than his works which are spiritual and of the Father.
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