Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pillar of ENOCH

Pillar of ENOCH (G.Pyramid)
I strongly suggest the "The Great Pyramid Decoded" documentary by E. Raymond Capt.
 TRUTH ☝ This flim documents how the great pyramid is a physical representation of the knowledge Enoch passed down. However the Egyptians began to worship the symbols themselves rather than the message. You are blessed if you find access to this documentary. (sorry this post is incomplete)

Great Pyramid 3 Pictures, Images and Photos
This film (link in red at the top) has some sound issues but it's FULL of documentation and is documented in the Word! Those who are interested will find it well worth their time to watch the whole film. those who want a small area of imporance, start at 50:00!
This film shows how the Great pryamid documents that the Great Pyramid was inspired by God through the decendants of Abraham,/measurements/ the distance of the earth from the sun, the distance of the moon from the earth, the curvature of the earth, the circumfrance of the earth, the equionoxes, the solar and other calenders, The Conception-Birth-Baptisim-& Crusifixtion of Christ, the Exodus, the introduction of measurements and knowledge before it became common knowledge even to the Eygptians(that are still currently used today), and so much more!!!!!!!!!!!! (Note this pyramid was NOT a tomb, but rather a sign). Just as Enoch was full of knowledge and had no need of a tomb! And notice the pillar documents birth acording to the bible not the zeitgeist ideology.
The following vids seem to be sharing such truths as the first link however i strongly suggest the link above.
For those who maybe confussed about the dates of Christ's birth and conception I can document and shall in my blog in due time. It is understood when one has knowledge of the levitical priesthood and that mary was both from the tribe of Judah and Levi. with that knowledge you can get the documentation in Luke 1 & 3! I will title the blog Birth Conception and Geneology of Christ (Not through Joseph)!

Is.19:19 In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. (19 denotes the perfection of Divine order connected with judgment)
Many also claim the great pyramid was a source of light and energy for all surrounding area.

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