Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Stone of David

King David tablet stone

This relatively recent find (1999) in the ancient Israelite city of Dan in upper Galille is further evidence of biblical record.
This tablet (stone) bares an inscription and (that dates back to the 9th century B.C..) such info as: "king of Israel" and "the House of David." could be read!

The reference to David was a historical bombshell. Never before had the familiar name of Judah's ancient warrior king, a central figure of the Hebrew Bible and according to Christian scriptures, an ancestor of Jesus, been found in the records of antiquity outside the pages of the Bible. Skeptics had long seized upon that fact to argue that David was a mere legend, invented by Hebrew scribes during, or shortly after, Israel's Babylonian exile, roughly 500 years before the birth of Christ. Now, at last, there was material evidence: an inscription written not by Hebrew scribes but by an enemy of the Israelites a little more than a century (note most scientist dont allow for the fact that the first overlaying layers of a find have a code that dont always date back as far as the original date realy is/ even so this date is still close enough tocome to a proper conclussion) after David's presumptive lifetime. It seemed to be a clear corroboration of the existence of King David's dynasty and by implication, of David himself.

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